Research Library
With a desire to learn and a will to apply that knowledge, nothing can stop you. Browse this library for the best whole health education, that is, research that is considering the whole of who we are as humans: body, mind, spirit, and everything in between.
Cheers to happy healing and good grief, friend.
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”
-Benjamin Franklin
The Influence of Breathing on the Central Nervous System
“The functions of the diaphragm do not stop locally in its anatomy but affect the whole body system.”
Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercises & The Vagus Nerve
Psychology Today
TEDtalk | Chronic Stress: Dr. Bal Pawa
Chronic stress, anxiety? Learn how to get out of the cycle of chronic stress, from a holistic doctor’s perspective.
The Gut-Brain Connection
Learn how the brain and gut interact and affect one another, especially in anxiety.
Can Physical Activity Support Grief Outcomes in Individuals Who Have Been Bereaved? A Systematic Review
US National Library of Medicine
What is Emotional Intelligence
Verywell Mind
10 Ways to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence
TEDtalk | How the Food You Eat Affects Your Gut
Learn why food plays a starring role in our gut microbiome.
The Fight-Flight-Freeze Response
A basic understanding of what happens when we are under stress or distress.
How Stress Changes Your Genes
Psychology Today
How Ayurveda is Used to Address PTSD
The 5 Stages of Grief
An Examination of the Kubler-Ross Model
Chronic Pain & Chronic Stress: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
Pub Med
Stress, Depression, & Neuroplasticity: A Convergence of Mechanisms
Pub Med
Understand the Stress Response
“Chronic activation of this survival mechanism impairs health”
What is Grief Therapy?
Verywell Mind
How Grief Shows Up in Your Body
“The systems in the body that process physical and emotional stress overlap, and emotional stress can activate the nervous system as easily as physical threats can.”
Discovering the Chakras
Quantum University